COVIDCheck Colorado has been instrumental in our process of protecting staff and students while providing an in-person learning experience throughout the year. Starting the school year was a challenge for everyone. This is especially true as educators are not trained in handling a pandemic. Reaching out to COVIDCheck was the best lovegra comprar decision our district could have made. The staff at COVIDCheck responded immediately and worked side-by-side with us to make the process of screening our staff seamless and simple. The information provided was invaluable and their consistent responsiveness to our needs makes this partnership a great experience for all of us.”
Del Garrick, Woodland Park School District

We are able to keep more classrooms in session with fast turnaround test results. Families that may have not been able to drive to a permanent site are now able to test at a school near them when ill and on a regular basis. #savethecohort Mobile sites were able to test students and staff and catch positive students before they started having symptoms and it has been easier to monitor the lack of in-school transmission of COVID”
Brittni Bartnes, Boulder Valley School District

Our district’s partnership with COVIDCheck Colorado this school year has been invaluable. The ability to offer our students, staff and communities on-site demand testing for the COVID-19 virus has been an important part of our strategy in preventing the spread. Through the testing sites we have been able to make huge strides toward keeping our communities healthy and maintaining as many in-person learning opportunities as we can safely offer in our schools. The staff at COVIDCheck Colorado are available for any needs, troubleshooting, are responsive, knowledgeable, patient, customer-oriented, and consistently strive to answer all questions or address any concerns. The nature of their work can at times be highly volatile, however even through this stressful time in the middle of a pandemic, they maintain a calm, can-do demeanor and handle any situation that may arise in a timely manner and with the utmost professionalism. The staff at COVIDCheck Colorado have been wonderful partners to work with through this community health approach. We so appreciate everything they have done to set up, run and respond to the demands of the on-site testing for our students, staff and communities.”
Cherry Creek School District Staff Member
Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy & Access Survey: Round 2
2021 | InON Health and mHealth Impact Lab
Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy & Access Survey
2021 | InON Health and mHealth Impact Lab

"We couldn't do any of our regular testing for staff and students without the capacity or partnership of COVIDCheck Colorado. We have 50,000 students in-person and regular screening is integral to keeping everyone safe and remaining in-person."
Dustin Kress, Chief of Staff, Denver Public Schools