Spread the Word

We’re working hard to spread the word about COVID testing and vaccines, and hope you’ll help us get the word out. Here are some resources for you to use with your community to help us slow and stop the spread of COVID in Colorado. Download and print these flyers to share with your communities, or share the PDFs directly through email or social media.

COVIDCheck Colorado Flyers

Testing Key Information Flyers

Vaccine Key Information Flyers

Testing Key Information Flyers

Vaccine Key Information Flyers

Vaccine True vs. False

COVIDCheck Colorado Postcards

Vaccine Side Effects Postcards

Vaccine Types Flyers

Vaccine Types Flyers

COVIDCheck Colorado Social Media Graphics

Vaccine No ID Needed

After You're Vaccinated

Potential Side Effects

Helpful side effect tips

Adolescent Eligibility

Adolescent Eligibility

Vaccine Social Media Graphics

Five Facts about the COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine Social Media Graphics

Vaccine Social Media Graphics

COVIDCheck Colorado Videos

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